First United Methodist Church of Maquoketa is a church focused
on filling the mission and ministry of God. We are God's hands in the community and surrounding area.
Our church continues to support the WIC Clinic that meets at our church 2 days a month. We give out diapers, wipes, clothes and books to families who come in for their WIC appointments. Another important component of our ministry is to visit with the parents and read to or play with the children.
The purpose of this ministry is to continue to
"be the hands and feet of Jesus" and help provide for some of the needs of the youngest members of God's family.
Quarter Collection
During worship, the children and youth collect quarters for a mission project.
April 15, 2024 - TBD
Midwest Mission Total - TBD
Rice Meal Packaging Mission Project
For more information visit
Jan 1, 2024 - April 14, 2024
Heifer Project Total - $336.86
Heifer International works in 19 countries around the world alongside local farmers and business owners. They support farmers and their communities as they mobilize and envision their futures, provide training so they can improve the quantity and quality of the goods they produce, and connections to market to increase sales and incomes.
July - Dec 2023
Midwest Mission Total - $322.18
Rice Meal Packaging Mission Project
For more information visit www.midwestmission.org
Jan - June 2023
WIC Total - $570.64
To help buy diapers and wipes
June - Dec 2022
Vision To Learn Total - $995.55
Vision To Learn provides two free pairs of eyeglasses –one pair to take home and one to leave at school – to students who need them. A trained eye care professional provides a modified screening exam with a full refraction for students who would otherwise not receive vision care.
Vision To Learn, Jackson County is funded through donations which are used specifically for students in Jackson County schools.